Sunday, August 15, 2010


OK, so I decided to resume my blog in a different format. Although the animals are and will remain the biggest part of my life, I have decided that I have strong opinions on just about everything (go figure) and I am just going to babble about them to whomever wants to read it. Whatever strikes me for that day will be the subject. Some days it will be the animals and some days it won't. Today I want to discuss TOURONS. What is a touron? It is a cross between a tourist and a moron and let me tell you, the place is crawling with them. I grew up in Pardeeville - a small town with a lake. In fact, I grew up on the lake. It used to be that you could go anywhere and do anything without worrying about who you might offend. Well, not anymore. It seems that just about all of the lakefront property in Pardeeville is either owned or rented by some touron, usually from Illinois. Now, this, in general doesn't bother me. What DOES bother me is that they come in and act like they own the place, with absolutely no respect for the natives. I took my dogs swimming today at the boat landing 2 lots away from where I grew up. The house on the north side of the landing is owned by a fat touron from Chicago and the lot on the south side of the landing was being rented by a young couple from somewhere in Illinois, according to their license plates. I got nothing but dirty looks as I happily played with my dogs. I have news for you people. Just because you decided to bring your pretentious vehicles up from Illinois and park your vacationing asses in Pardeeville, Wisconsin, does NOT mean my dogs should be denied their exercise and play time. WE LIVE HERE. If you don't like it, find a different lake in a different town. You come up here and shoot off your freaking fireworks all night long on the 4th of July without any regard for the fact that the people who live here are not on vacation and have to work the next day. You let your kids pee in the lake and you think it's funny. I personally think it's hilarious when you have gone out to eat and my dog takes a big ol' crap in your yard. I am usually the responsible pet owner that cleans it up, but I make an exception for you. Go home!

Thanks for letting me share...

1 comment:

  1. i hear what you are saying be it that i work in the dells i see this every day and it gets old fast. i get sick of dealing with people who think they can do what they want when they want it just messed up so i say dont come here stay away.
