Thursday, November 18, 2010


The last thing I want to do is turn my blog into a diet diary. So, although I may mention my progress (or lack thereof), please don't think that is what this blog will be all about. However, it is most consuming in these first few days and has me thinking about optimism. I have a reserved sort of optimism about this whole diet thing. I think I have just failed so many times that it is hard to get my hopes up. But yesterday was ok and I think that going "public" with my struggle is going to be a good thing. I got a lot of good advice yesterday and a lot of loving support and I am very grateful. I managed to get through the day with only 1/2 can of Mountain Dew, a small bowl of whole grain oatmeal in the morning with my one cup of coffee and fish with green beans for dinner. Now I realize that 1/2 can of Mountain Dew still isn't good. But I'm trying. Let me put yesterday in perspective for all of us. Normally, for breakfast, I would eat at least 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on white bread with 2 cups of coffee (with cream and Splenda). For lunch I would eat whatever was in the fridge, usually a couple sandwiches (again on white bread) with 2 cans of Mountain Dew. Dinner 90% of the time is pizza with another 2-3 cans of Mountain Dew followed by dessert. The latest was Ben & Jerry's pumpkin cheesecake ice cream. (It's gross BTW). And then add in all the crap I eat between meals. I don't think I have ever gone to Kwik Trip without picking up a candy bar and, yes, a Mountain Dew. So 1/2 can of Mountain Dew is an ENORMOUS stride for me and I am proud of myself for it. I also asked Nikayla not to get Mountain Dew to accompany Thanksgiving dinner. I have to do better with that and I have decided that it is all about the baby steps. I know myself well enough to know that if I drop Mountain Dew cold turkey (no Thanksgiving pun intended), I will fall right off the wagon and drink a 6 pack in one sitting. So for now I have to be ok with 1/2 can a day. There aren't many things that I feel like I need to allow myself in order for this to work. I can give up sweets and pizza and chocolate. That's no problem. But I am an addict when it comes to Mountain Dew and I need to treat it like an addiction. And unless there is an in-patient treatment facility for Mountain Dew addiction, I have to give myself a little breathing room to do things the right way. It's not an excuse to have 1/2 can of Mountain Dew a day. It's being realistic and smart.
So far today I have had my coffee and my whole grain oatmeal. I feel pretty good and I will be looking into joining a gym later this afternoon. As usual, my knees and back are of the highest concern for me, but I know there are things I can do to compensate for that. Albeit cautious, I am optimistic. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear. Somehow I had totally spaced out that you mainline Mt. Dew. THAT has to stop. Good job. You'd be amazed at the difference if you JUST cut out soda and made no other changes to your diet. It's crazy. And so are you. But I'm afraid you may be overDEWing it with the cutback. From what you used to drink to 1/2 can is damn near cold turkey and I think you'll go postal in Kwik Trip and highjack a pallet of Mt. Dew if you're not careful. Be realistic, Madcatter. Have you considered Dt. Dew? If not, don't. It's gross and it's just as bad for you. There has to be something else you can ease into for a beverage that satisfies that sweet craving that Dew gives you. Wal-Mart has those packets of powder you can add to bottles of water that aren't half bad. Better tasting than the flavored water, IMO.

    Another thought would be to mimic the Atkin's Diet in the sense that you cut back or eliminate "whites". That will make a huge difference for you also, both health and weight-wise. I've seen it happen. I've also done it myself, but have come to the conclusion that I simply can not live without pasta and white bread and function in society. Anyway, there are some whole-grain pastas that are very good. I think the important thing is also that you eat frequently during the day but small quantities. You have to keep your energy up to scoop those tootsie rolls and walk those canine members of the family.

    I'm no nutritionist or expert on health, but I've learned a lot though the years from trial and error. I've also dove into a million crazy-ass diets and exercise plans only to leave them in the dust with my ex's. The few things I've found to be true and helpful are the things I'm sharing with you. Obviously, you can take my suggestions or leave them and if anyone disagrees with me, they can pound sand. As far as joining a health club, I wouldn't, but that's just me. Some people need that environment to get motivated, but I work better in privacy. I think it's a waste of money, especially if you have to sign a damn contract. The only one I would ever consider would be the one at The Ridge. You can get plenty of exercise on your own; it's just a matter of doing it. Your best bet would be to find someone with the same or similar goals as you. Then you can keep each other honest and on track. I'd offer, but my current goals are much more superficial at the moment. I'll let you know if that changes. Cheers! ~B

    p.s. My spellcheck tried changing "Madcatter" to "medicate". LMAO
