Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Wishes

'Tis the season...to be jolly...to be giving...to be thankful.  I am, in general, all three of those things.  (At least I try to be.) And, as a general rule, I like this time of year.  But I keep thinking about how this is the time, not only for joy, but for wishes.  I am surrounded by people with their Christmas lists and holiday wishes.  Now, I live a pretty simple life.  If the cats and dogs have food in their bowls, their heaters are working and there is gas in my car to get me to work, I am feeling pretty good about things.  Nevermind the special occasions when I get to buy the dogs some treats or get Alecs a new bed.  Those are the really good days.  But I got to thinking about what I would wish for, given the chance.  Here is my list...

For Tucker, I wish that he could have the surgeries that he needs to improve his quality of life as he enters his golden years.  He needs his right front elbow replaced and both of his ears flushed and resected so he can stop getting ear infections.  He also needs the polyps removed by his eyes.  I wish him an endless supply of tennis balls and the ability to chase them like he used to.  I wish him a return of all of the love he shows in those big brown eyes of his.  Mama loves you Tucka-Bubba.

For Charlie, I wish she could have the allergy testing she needs to get to the bottom of her itching problems.  And I wish her an unending supply of squeaky toys and treats she can bury and save for later.  I wish her all of the kindness and sweetness that she shows me and everyone around her every day of her life.  I wish her the knowledge that she is my heart and soul on 4 legs and that I love her with all of my heart.  Mama loves you Charlie Doggie.

For Barney, I also wish he could have allergy testing and resolution to his itching problem.  I also wish for him an understanding of love and the knowledge that he IS worthy and I am not going anywhere.  I am real, I will never hit him and I will love him for the rest of his life. I wish him freedom from the fears that were instilled in him for the first 9 years of his life.  Mama loves you Barn Man.

For Gretchen, I wish freedom from her fears of just about everything and more of my time.  Gretchen wants nothing more than to be with me whereever I go and I wish more than anything that I could give that to her.  I wish for her to have an unending supply of squeaky toys to keep her busy when I can't be home.  Mama loves you Gretchy Dog.

For Wrigley, I wish one of the cats would befriend her and learn that she will not hurt them.  Wrigley loved to play with my cat, Brenda...carrying her around by the scruff of her neck, "chewing" on her, playing with her...and Brenda loved it too.  We lost Brenda last summer when she was hit by a car and Wrigley hasn't been the same since.  And I wish for my baby girl, that she always has the youthful energy and exuberance that she has now.  I also wish her an unending supply of tennis balls and more of my time to throw them.  Mama loves you Wriggles.

For Harry, I wish freedom from pain in his legs and for me to actually remember that he doesn't like peanut butter in his Kong.  I wish him the kind of love in return that he shows me each and every day.  I wish him the amazing feeling of devotion, protection and unconditional love that he shows me.  And I wish him an unending supply of Rimadyl when he needs it, Glucosamine/Chondroitin for his legs and toys to tear apart.
Mama loves you Harry Man.

For Dawson, I wish peace and the same deep, almost-unfathomable love and devotion that he shows me.  I wish him freedom from his joint pain and the ability to run and play forever.  I wish him an unending supply of Rimadyl when he needs it and Glucosamine/Chondroitin for his legs.  And I wish him all of the Scooby Snacks he could handle.  Mama loves you Big D.

For Alecs, my sweet boy...I wish another year of good health and lots of cuddle time with me.  I never want to imagine life without Alecs.  And I wish him lots and lots of boxes to squeeze himself into.  Mama loves you Buppa.

For Sarge, I wish an unending supply of my attention and Pop Tarts every morning.  Mama loves you Sargie.

For Joey, I wish a final resolution to that annoying ear infection and lots and lots of scritches.  Mama loves you Joseph.

For Maggie, I wish more time to run around outside and be silly.  I also wish her less time with the kittens who annoy the heck out of her. Mama loves you Maggs.

For all of the rest of my kids~ I wish you health and happiness, more of my time and more of my patience.  I wish you wonderful, comfortable, loving forever homes where you can live your lives in peace, with all of your needs met.  Mama loves you all.

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